The breathtaking west fjords : Iceland part 4

The Westfjords

Crossing the delta area that flows into the Hrutafjord, we leave the ring road No. 1 and arrive at the Westfjords. There we turn onto road No. 643. After a few kilometers there is a stop to walk to the Holsfjal “waterfall”. What a beauty, what a power, wonderful.

The road continues on nr 643, from fjord to fjord. We cannot remember the Westfjords so beautifully. The next day we drive on and take the F-649. 18 kilometers further we come to a river crossing that I don’t even think about going through. Park bakkie and go on foot to the Husarfoss, a veil waterfall, I repeat myself but it is again a beautiful waterfall. And just like the Holsfjal, here too we are all alone. It is enjoyable, perhaps also because it has cleared up in the meantime, the drizzle of the past 24 hours has stopped and is starting to make way for a sparse clearing.

We continue our route on road no. 61 with a loop on the 633 to enjoy a hot tub. Enjoy the natural warmth. 2 days later we arrive in Isafjordur, where we do major shopping. The BONUS is simply cheaper than the small local supermarkets. And at OLIS we also immediately refuel bakkie, always a sour apple, but we are not going to complain about that. Madame des mobilhomes has found a walk 20 km further. We will do that tomorrow when the weather is nice.

As planned a walking day. We left early to have done the walk before the bad weather. It is stumping and dredging through a meadow up the mountain with the only orientation being a GPS Track, it is worth it. But the reward is great, a beautiful view over the valley is the reward for toil and sweat.

And so the days on the Westfjords pass, especially with driving. In the meantime we have been in Iceland for more than a month with the common thread that I don’t write too much about, the weather, the bad weather. Every now and then 1 or 2 days slightly better but mainly gray drizzle to rainy gloomy weather. A few days later we arrive at the most western point of Iceland, Latrabjarg. Where to spot Puffins. They are and remain beautiful birds.

After Latrabjarg we go to see the red beach “Raudasandur” and of course take a walk along the beach, accompanied by thousands of flies. I once saw on FB that there are no mosquitoes in Iceland, that’s right. It’s flies here. After Raudasandur it goes fairly quickly to the end of the west fjords and after 2 days we arrive at the Snaefellsbear peninsula. You can read what we are all going to do there in the next blog post. I hope there are some nice day hikers to come.


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